Opening of Oyan dam renders residents homeless, jobless

Every three years, the residents of Gaun, a border town between Lagos and Ogun states expect the worst when the Oyan Dam in Ogun is opened. Every time this happens, a floodgate of water is released into the sorrounding communities, submerging homes and causing untold hardship to their existence.

“If I knew this is how the community is, I would not have agreed to move to this area, this is the worst thing I have ever seen in my life,” those were the lamentations of a resident of Warewa, one of the communities on the border between Lagos and Ogun states.

For four consecutive days, residents of Guan, Warewa and OPIC have been exposed to untold and unprecedented hardship in their areas. The reason for this is the opening of the Oyan Dam in Ogun state (an event which takes place every three-four years).
The communities have been reduced to a 'sea' from a homely and lovely abode which it was known to be when residents rushed to build houses.

The residents were filled with despair, regrets, motionless expressions at times as some have also resorted to fate as they have been faced with the harsh realities of their homeless state.
School children were left stranded occasionally, and were made to go out of their houses on canoes. Roads which were hitherto motorable had been covered by water and no first timer to the community would have agreed that there was a passage for vehicular movement prior to the opening of the dam.

Without mincing words, residents of this area recalled how in 2012, the water from the dam flooded their communities and the same cries made this year were the same made then, without anybody visiting the community let alone do anything about their predicaments.
