Hot Air Balloon Crash Kills 16 People In Texas

US investigators say the basket portion of the balloon caught fire before the craft came down in a field near the city of Lockhart, about 30 miles (50 km) south of Austin.
Marcus Officer, a reporter for FOX 7 at the scene, said: "There are massive power lines that are above where police tape is marked off.

"We have not confirmed anything as to whether the power lines caused the fire and the crash. But there's police tape just underneath it."

It is believed the 16 people were on board for the hour-long flight arranged by the Heart of Texas Hot Air Balloon Rides company.
It is thought the flight encountered difficulties about halfway through the journey.
The company's chief pilot, Skip Nichols, has been named as one of those who was killed in the crash.
A former girlfriend of Mr Nichols told the Austin Statesman news site he was highly experienced and took safety very seriously.
Wendy Bartch posted on Facebook: "Love you Skip. Forever... Rest in Peace my friend. You touched my heart."
